Merlyn.AI Corporation is now in the process of merging with its sister company SumGrowth Strategies to enhance and streamline the availability and delivery of advanced portfolio management solutions.

SumGrowth Solutions for Professionals and Individual Investors

AlphaDroid Logo

Advanced portfolio design tools for financial advisors

Alpha Sheet logo

Streamlined advanced model portfolios for financial advisors

Alpha Daily Brief logo

Market risk, heat map, and momentum indicators for all investors

SectorSurfer Logo

Sector rotation strategies for individual investors

Merlyn Indexes

Momentum strategies seeking Bull market leaders and Bear market exits

Note on ETF Closings

Merlyn.AI SectorSurfer Momentum ETF (ticker DUDE) and Merlyn.AI Bull-Rider Bear-Fighter ETF (ticker WIZ) closed November 10, 2023. If you had these holdings, you should have been notified by your brokerage.